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Old 01-06-2011, 01:04 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nismoracer View Post
I find myself not going to a lot of places with my Z. It seems most of the time I'm driving it out of pleasure. There are too many ******** with no respect for other peoples property so I am hesitant to drive my Nis anywhere where I have to leave it sittin for awhile. I had a douchebag at the dealer rest his coffee mug on top of my car. At the DEALERSHIP. You think the sales guys would be more attentive. But no they don't care. He didn't even think twice about it. He probably thought what's the big deal it's not hurting it.....
I used to really be into cars. I went to a tech school thinking I wanted to be a mechanic. I worked in a Nissan Dealer in Fort Worth for a couple years. After dealing with cars day in day out. They do loose the mystique of a piece of art and because a high priced sheet metal wrapped around a motor. The salemen work and deal with the new products everyday. They are desensitzed to the new car. They forget the guy they are talking to is looking do drop a healthy portion of their annual salary (in most cases).

I have only come close to keying a car once. It was just a bad day. Tired, frustated, and on my last nerve. This new Challenger was running around and driving like a d__K all day. I had been running around town (smallish town pop. 10K) and seen this douche in passing/getting cut off all day. I couldn't find a spot in Wal Mart parking lot. This Challenger is in FRONT centered in 2 spots. If you want 2 spots get the ones in the back. I really wanted to take a screw drive and crease both rear fenders and trunk deck lid, but I didn't. Cooler minds prevailed. Had I messed up this car, the owner would probably think is was out of envy cause that is what people assume. Not that the OP is parked poorly or had offended them is someway. Somepeople just get caught at the wrong time and get set off. I totally disagree with vandalizing another person's property. If You have a problem, settle it with them not their stuff. Rant over
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