I've ordered a new car before... and I gave a deposit.
In my case they built the car per my order and shipped it.
Hence the request for a deposit.
Which was refundable should I not have taken delivery of the car.
Also I found less room to negotiate price on an Ordered car than one already on the lot.
I think the deposit was $500 but $1000 does not sound unreasonable.
$3000 seems very high, tell'em $500/$1000 take it or leave it.
Again it should be refundable.
They probably think you are not a serious buyer and thats why they want such a large deposit.
Ask them for a sales receipt of the deposit that has all the numbers of the deal on it.
That is not an unreasonable request and should easily be provided.
If you are buying from a Authorized Nissan dealer I highly doubt they are trying to
scam your deposit money. They have procedures to follow.
Your interest rate will mainly depend on your credit score. not the amount of cash you put down,
that'll help keep the monthly payment lower but will have little to do with your rate. Go to the Nissan website...
they have a loan calculator that gives estimated payments with the interest rate based on the credit rating you fall into.
Watch out for all the extra warranty/service packages they'll offer you, I've never found them worth it and they only add to your monthly payment.
But that's just my opinion.
Personally I would hit up several dealers and find a 370Z that is on a lot that you like.
You'll get a better deal, way better. Dealers are letting Z's go for under invoice.
Good Luck and Happy hunting.