Originally Posted by ImportConvert
Of course it's biased. Any personal opinion is biased by definition. It still won't steer me wrong. You know how many married women have hit on me? You know how many married women at work come to me with their marital issues like I am some guru that can solve it just because I pick up on that something is wrong wiht them that night? There is WAY too much trouble that goes hand in hand with marriage. That never-ending circle of love thing you slip on your hand is more like a snake eating its own tail.
The only real reason to get married is if you want kids (and I don't), so that you can provide a balanced growth-period for that child. Humans have very long developmental stages and need that kind of stability/variety in their home environment as they mature. Other than that, why mess with marriage? If you like someone, move in and share bills and when its over, move out. If you life in a commonlaw state like mine, make sure you don't go over the deadline without a break in between or you may get screwed just the same.
The only reason Kenchan doesn't bitch is I bet he makes 6-figures well before october. Money changes everything.
but wouldn't his evil bloodsucking wife just steal all his money than

kids and marriage aren't for everyone. but i'm just saying the reason why shouldn't be b/c your dad married a witch who took half his money when they got divorced.