Originally Posted by ImportConvert
Consider the number of people with HSV I/2, HEPC, HIV, and other assorted goodies, and you might want to wrap it.
Just a sample, since you like math...
1/4 women have HSVII, statistically.
90% are unaware.
Condoms reduce HSV transmission by around 60%.
So, when you wear a condom, you are reducing the risk of contracting just ONE disease by around 15%.
I'll wrap it for 15%.
Of the people I have spoken to who contracted HSVII, NONE of them wore condoms regularly.
To that I would say "choose better women". I generally try to limit myself to women who haven't slept around a lot (which generally means women who don't have low self-esteem), thus the chances of them having any kind of STD is statistically much lower.
I would wrap it for a one-nighter, but in a relationship, wrapping is out of the question. Besides, it just feels better to ride free!