... because the car was off.

Oh, and it's my definition of wrecked, not Webster Dictionary's.
So today I was over at a friends house. It's in a neighborhood where you basically are required to park in the street, due to small driveways. A neighbor came over my friends house and rang the doorbell, and then preceded to tell him that "someone" had hit my car. Immediately I had a bit of a panicked thought that it was a hit and run, but luckily the person that did it was still there.
ucking idiot was backing up from the driveway across the street as they were leaving their friends house and backed into my car. It was a lady with a toddler, and a f*cking Jeep Liberty.
On to the damage. Luckily it isn't too bad, and her Liberty was actually much worse off. My rear quarter panel is dented in a few spots, one big, the other two are more subtle (those I am worried about). The bumper was also scrapped badly, and it looks like the angled portion of the bumper might of been shaved/dented. Also noticed a scratch through the paint on the wheel.
Of course her insurance is covering it and also a rental. I'm also making sure they file a diminished value claim. I go in tomorrow morning to have a estimate done by a shop that the insurance company requested, but I can go to a shop of my choice to perform the work.
Any thing else I should look out for or make sure happens? I'd like to try to make sure they replace parts and not try to repair them, but I'm not sure how successful I will be with that?
Here is a pic:
I actually expected it to be way worse when I saw her monster SUV, but any damage is bad in my book. Really shitty thing is I just spent 5 hours waxing/detailing my car on Friday!