Originally Posted by semtex
Robert, with all due respect, I think you're misrepresenting tbonesteak's views. You make it sound as though tbonesteak is a hater who is celebrating the low sales volume for the sake of fueling some misguided hate for the Z, when the truth of the matter is that he made his statement in direct reference to the hot oil issue. It's not like he wrote "Sales are down! Ha ha! Nyah Nyah!" He explicitly stated that he hopes "the reduction in sales is due to people finding out about the hot oil and holding off til Nissan fixes the prob." Likewise, you want to 'call him out' for being childish over his claim that he has discouraged 25 people from buying the Z, but you fail to mention/appreciate that his discouragement of others from purchasing the Z is directly tied to this hot oil issue. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're pulling his remarks out of context. Neglecting/omitting the context leaves one with the impression that he's out there talking people out of buying the Z in a contextual vacuum, i.e., he's doing it just for the heck of it, for no good or particular reason.
If we look at his post objectively, I think it's pretty plain that his motivation is in wanting Nissan Corporate to step up and fix what he perceives to be a legitimate problem. Now, I know some may argue that it's not a real problem, but that's neither here nor there. The salient point here is that, at least in my personal view, he's done what he's done (or claims to have done) with good intentions, not harmful ones. Indeed, you say that legitimate/constructive complaints should be encouraged. Well, the last time I checked, we were living in America, and in America, there's the saying that consumers vote with their wallets. If a company chooses not to do the right thing, they should suffer the consequences of lost sales. That's the consumer voting with his/her wallet. That's America and whatever remnants we have left of a free-market system working as it should. And that, in my opinion, is both legitimate and constructive.
Respectfully, just my 
With equal respect you are making some assumptions and submitting facts not in evidence.
Let’s be clear; while tbonesteak is the only one who has laid claim to persuading 25 people not to buy a 370, he is not the only poster in this thread who has, motivations aside, seem to be pleased with what is perceived as a bad sales report nor was he the only person my comments were directed toward.
Speaking of motivations, unless you know him well/personally, I would suggest the you don’t know what his motivations are any more than I do; I can only go by what I read in his posts and the information he has posted about himself. To be blunt, I find it odd that he would feel compelled to encourage people to buy something other than a 370 because of a possible problem that, as a non-370Z owner, can't affect him.
I discuss my 370 with people all the time - I'm honest about what I like and don't like about my vehicle...I'm honest about the oil temp issue - I tell them what I know and let them make an informed decision and I certainly don't encourage them to buy something from another manufacturer.
As to the “hot oil issue”; I would submit that the only definitive statement one could make about it is that if a person is going to regularly track their car they need an engine oil cooler (as did the 350 for that matter and as would most vehicles). Beyond that, the problem seems to be very unpredictable and let’s be clear about this as well; all the “evidence” we have about the problem is circumstantial and anecdotal – I’ve seen nothing definitive about the issue…nothing based on scientific observation or testing done under controlled conditions. For that matter, I’ve not seen anything truly definitive even regarding the basic question of “how hot is
TOO hot”!
So no, I don’t agree that I’m misrepresenting his words; their meaning seems pretty clear to me and they are…
Originally Posted by tbonesteak
im hoping the reduction in sales is due to people finding out about the hot oil and holding off til Nissan fixes the prob. I know ive convinced ATLEAST 25 people who were about to pull the trigger NOT to buy this car and they went with another manufacturer instead. Word of mouth is very powerful and Nissan needs to learn that the consumers won't take care of them unless they care of us. I know i'm STILL holding off on buying the Z til the oil issue is fixed. I will continue to steer people away from purchasing this car. I want to try my best to help the current owners as well as future owners.
Encouraging people to buy from other manufacturers doesn’t sound to me as if he is encouraging people to “hold off” on buying a new Z nor does it sound to me as if he has Nissan’s or the 370’s best interest in mind. If is intentions are to encourage Nissan to “fix” what he believes is a problem one would think getting those 25 people to call Nissan customer service or to go to their Nissan dealer and explain why they aren’t buying a new 370 would be more effective.
This is still a (somewhat) free country and people have the right to badmouth the 370 or any other car to their heart's content - I wasn't questioning his "right" to say what he wants for whatever reason he wants. But, his right to do so doesn't negate my right to say that I believe his actions/words, even if well intentioned, are childish and short-sighted.
No…while not directed only at Mr. tbone, I stand by my earlier post. If that is offensive to anyone then I’m sorry.