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Old 01-02-2011, 12:35 AM   #42 (permalink)
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370zHawaii is on a distinguished road

I am a firm believer of quality over quantity, speaking from personal experience its best to get an authenticate quality product, in the long run.... when you go with parts that are not quality, you will end up spending more $$$$ in the long run = usually twice the amount of what you would have originally spent had you saved..... Patience and time are on your side, wait for someone to sell their Kit, or save the $$$$ for one, the Kit is not going anywhere and who knows, 2011 may bring a kit that you might like a little more, cheers and good luck either way

P.S. Amuse kit along with the factory Nismo both look the best IMHO , my good friend tells me---Speaking directly to me "in order for you to get that kit, you must have the power to back it up" I give him a blank stare...he drives a SC430...
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