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Old 01-01-2011, 09:42 AM   #16 (permalink)
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chii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to behold

i live in a BARRACKS, now complaining about being in an apartment and not being able to wash the car by hand is just stupid. you know what i do? i find a car wash that has one of those over head powerwasher gun things and a foam broom. i use the gun to get the car wet, then high pressure soap (reasonable distance so not to damage anything) and i bring my OWN bucket, ether armorall ultrashine or ICE washing soap, mixed with rain X wash and wax carnauba wax beads. then i wash the car by hand from top to bottom, with 2 separate mits (have fluffy and a mesh side for scrubbing) then i use the spray gun thing again to rinse the whole car. dont use there built in "wax" feature on the sprayer, that **** gets all over your windows and its impossible to get off. hand dry the car with some microfiber towels and finish up however you want! wax, bar.... w/e it needs i guess. personally i use meguiars swirlX, meguiars stratchX 2.0, and ether NXT nanotech 2.0 wax, or eagle one nanowax, followed up by eagleone nanowax spray (works like rainx for the whole car) EVERY WEEK. then for some finishing touches use some meguiars hot rims aluminum cleaner, and turtlewax ice tire shine. costs me like 10 bucks at the car wash thing to use the sprayer for the time im there, and however much it costs to periodicly replenish my stock of supplies (lasts a long time) and a whopping 2.5 hours of my precious time each week........ if you dont have a wash like that near your house, find one, if your too lazy to drive all the way to one.... use a hose, still have excuses after that? stop driving a nice car, and sell it to someone that is willing to take car of it.
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