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Old 01-01-2011, 03:16 AM   #1 (permalink)
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krnbbagadog is on a distinguished road
Default 370Z exterial color and other.......

Hey guys!

This is my second thread and first thread i did get reply from yall and it really helped!!

My question is.......

1. I want to get 370Z with ORANGE exterial coloer and i've been through websites and i've seen orange 370Z that somebody owned and when i go to 370Z website i do not see any option for the colorer orange 370z available maybe they painted their Z? if yes how much would that cost? because orange Z is my favorite!!!

2. I read one of the thread of people wrote about 370Z doesnt have oil cooler in it? well when i get Z in TX i have to drive to NJ for a long distance ride and upcourse i will have to take a rest at some point but since if it doesnt come with the oil cooler in it maybe i should to take a break pretty often every 3 or 4 hours drive high way? or 2011 Z has a oil cooler installed?
or do i have to buy it separatly??

I would love to hear answers from you and God bless 2011 HAPPY NEW YEAR!:

Last edited by krnbbagadog; 01-01-2011 at 03:19 AM.
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