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Old 12-31-2010, 10:22 AM   #34 (permalink)
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dalanamorse is on a distinguished road

It should actually just be a matter of proving it is a safety issue. And a group of people is goiing to get noticed more than one random person here and there trying to get results. It shouldn't take an injury or loss of life for them to do something.

Stopping, sure no problem there. But what about the need to accelerate and not being able to? You're a sitting duck, changing lanes or trying to accellerate and get someone off your tail.... what if that someone is much larger than you? Say an 18 wheeler and doesn't have the stopping power when your car quickly slows with no brake lights? That happened to me. It was very scary. I managed to dig my foot back and pop the pedal back up to make my car function again fast enough to get out of the way but IT SHOULD NOT BE THAT WAY.

Additionally, this problem is WAY bigger than the Z's and G's. After researching this online it appears to be any Nissan/Infiniti that has a clutch. It's their parts in general. I found it Altimas and Maximas too. This problem is HUGE and they know it. Precisely why they don't want to open that can of worms.

Either way, if enough of complain to the RIGHT sources, instead of just griping on a forum, maybe something will get done. The links I provided are the people have authority over this and if there are this many of us dealing with the same issue and we all take a little time to make a simple complaint about the problem, then Nissan/Inifiniti will have no other choice.

Originally Posted by 1slow370 View Post
trouble with the lawsuit idea is that i think you would have to prove not only damages at your expense, but that it would also be a real saftey risk(to my knowledge it hasn't caused a crash yet), and possibly some form of negligence on nissan or infiniti's part. Reasons it doesn't really effect safety are that if your clutch gets stuck in on say the highway and you have to stop, you can still stop perfectly fine, the engine will actually help brake the car, your breaks will work fine, and even if the throttle is jammed open, pushing the brake pedal in on any nissan or infiniti will shut the engine off thanks to the safety interlock feature (which also makes a real brakestand burnout impossible).

Yes it sucks balls on nissans part that it happens but the real percentage of failures is actually fairly normal hell for even one percent of cars to be effected by this +500 07-10 Z's and G's would have to have their csc fail. Recall is something like 2-3% for non safety issues, and they don't count cars that have had modifications that could have resulted in the failure so all the guys that have had their csc's fail thanks to a different clutch don't count.
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