Also, if you have a primary beater, you can get your Z as a pleasure vehicle on your insurance if you drive less than 6500 a year. I have a 94 HONDA CIVIC FOH DOH. Looks like crap, but machanically sound and gets me 40 MPG. I drive it to and from work most days and the Z on the weekend/special occasions. Also, it makes the Z fell like a Lambo when I drive it...haha
2009 PG 6spd Sport || 30% side tint, 15% rear || All Redline fluids || Berk HFC's intalled~PITA Bolt || Stillen G3's || Berk CBE || BC Racing Coilovers with 10K/12K Swift springs & RA valving|| SPL rear camber arms || 20mm/15mm spacers