Originally Posted by dudafunk
So.. one 10" needs to change to two 10"'s?... I had two 12"'s in my older car and I remember not needing half the power, so I came down to one 12"... and then down to one 10" figuring it should be comparable.. no?
That is all personal preference. One 10 will obvioulsy sound better then nothing at all and for many will be enough. Especially with the small volume in the Z.
I am more of a bass head and like it loud and shacking the shiat out of things. I know I could really get that with two 12s, but until I do a custom job and put the subs farther back in the hatch I'm going to stick with two 10s. Plus the subs I would use need more volume then the Zenclosures box has and that is what I am going with for now.