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Old 12-15-2008, 10:52 PM   #24 (permalink)
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This review gives me warm fuzzy feelings.

When the BMW 135i was first announced, I must admit I was pretty excited to hear about a new small BMW coupe. As the details rolled out, I was a bit disappointed, however it was the several test drives that really put the nail in the coffin for the 135i being in my garage. Instead of getting a genuine sport coupe, sports car, or GT, the 135i is a big fat 335i that is sucking in its gut to hide how flabby and insulated it is. The steering feels horribly artificial and rubbery, the engine lacks involvement, and the suspension is destroyed with pathetically soft rubber bushings. Add to that a critical mistake to ergonomics, no real interior door-closing handle [!], and I was crushed.

Reading Edmunds review appears to validate everything I was hoping for in the 135i, and it's called the 370Z. Razor precise, visceral, and exciting with real performance and sexy aesthetics to back it up, the 370Z has me really excited again for a real GT sports car.

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