Originally Posted by Robert_Nash
I don't understand is why some will go to the trouble to join a site dedicated to the appreciation of a a particular car only to trash it and its maker? Then they turn around and also trash the "Vette which is probably one of the best performance cars on the planet for the money (not that I actually want one as I can't stand most Corvette owners)? 
If you're referring to me, I didn't trash the Corvette.
Originally Posted by fly yellow
I have a feeling that some of these people that are trashing the car are just trying to make themselves feel better over whatever reason that is truly holding them back from owning one.
I'm sure many people that are complaining about oil temp will never track the car and if Nissan didn't put an oil temp. gauge on the car then these people would never know that this "problem" exists.
When the car performance dissipates, you know there is a problem.