Thread: Wrecked...
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Old 12-23-2010, 01:59 AM   #125 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Snakes709 View Post
sounds like fun, reminds me of my motorbike course, went abit to quick around a turn and got spooked, locked the brakes up and went flying through the air. My jacket and gloves saved my skin.

Hell i still get freaked out while driving if someone yells or raises their voice in excitement. All i remember when i rolled my car at 100kmh is the screams from my gf and then glass shattering. So anytime someone yells while im driving freaks me the hell out.
LMAO reminds me of how I was PISSING my friend off on our roadtrip to Florida. Everytime I saw something on the side of the road I screamed "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and would get bitched at EVERY time because the kid would get mad scared

Either way, hopefully OP learned his lesson. Doubt it though, I wasnt smart at 17 either.

btw funniest thin about my crash is I didnt feel pain and my friend riding behind me saw my bike in the middle of the trail with the rear wheel still spinning off the engine and had to search for me and found me in a ditch