King George Nissan threw in the security etch of $250 for free otherwise I would have said no. And tell them you want the free 78% nitrogen fill instead. Nitrogen is the biggest scam out there - sheesh. Since you signed the papers you are SOL and trust me once you have the car $400 is gonna be a non-issue. Its the principal of the thing and I can understand your frustration. The good part like I said is once you've got your car its gonna be an irritation in your rear view mirror.
If you really wanna do something about it you can tell 'em if they don't change it you're gonna express you dissatisfaction with the dealership on the forums, etc and when anyone googles their dealership that thread is gonna pop up. Make it worth their while to not have you leave unhappy....
Last edited by FricFrac; 06-06-2009 at 11:57 PM.
Reason: spelink