Originally Posted by BanningZ
I'm still driving the damned Celi. This economy sucks. I'm waiting for some stock dividends to pay out but they are going to be lower than expected. And there is no market for used cars because there are so many out there. The autotrader ad is down now, and I hate the idea of spending more for an ad that got me little response and a couple of d1ckhead low ballers. As soon as I get the Z though I'm gonna have a ghetto photo shoot with my CanonSD 870 IS. lol.
This is the same problem I had selling my 2007 Accord Coupe with only 16k miles. No luck with AutoTrader or FeEbay. I did get a lot of annoying automated sales calls though which pissed me off. In the end trading it or keeping it were my only options. And this was in January before the economy really went into the crapper.