Thread: Kids n 370s
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Old 12-19-2010, 12:21 PM   #178 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BrianMSmith View Post
Young Radek, Your last comment just proves you are, in fact, just a kid. And no nothing of the world, other than what you have read in your school books. I graduated with honors from U Michigan in Aerospace Engineering, and I have worked at Boeing as a propulsion engineer for 15 years now, including the F22 program and new commercial airplane programs. My current job is Principal Investigator of propulsion technology. It took me to age 40 to afford this car, because I have saved hundreds of thousands, support a family of 5, I am putting my spouse through graduate school, and I have other interests such as motorcycles and traveling in Europe. You are a silly child who has blown your whole wad on a car you can only afford because your parents are still feeding you Gerbers. You are in my view, exactly what you are complaining about of others.

You know... I agree.. thats why later I posted that I can afford this car only because I live at home, you may have missed that fine detail...

Also I would like to add that I live at home because I will be entering into grad school next year and only plan on moving out once I am in a stable position after graduation...

And finally... as you had pointed out my ignorance about your personal life, your other interests and supporting your family of five... I did not in fact blow my entire "wad" on this car as I have 2 positions within my faculty and in the summer have a lucrative job with ACTRA (SAG is the US equivalent) doing commercials that pay rather well.

I have no interest to enter into a **** measuring contest with an Aerospace engineer, but sir your ignorant opinion of me is no more valid than my ignorant opinion of you.

I only ever originally posted my frustration about a general idea which was bothering me and you condescendingly told me that I am a "kid" and am part of the demographic I am complaining about... telling me how you, a graduate of a top engineering firm could not even get a Z and how fortunate I am. Well, if I put in the hard work to get into a University, hard work to stay there, hard work to pay for all this myself, buy my car and still have money to enjoy, I think that is smart money management, prioritization, sacrifice and determination.

Sir, I will apologize for my ignorance, bias and assumption that I can vent an idea and frustration on the internet without being singled out, and I will admit you have accomplished more than I have. I have no idea what it is like to support myself a family or put someone through school. IF your kids are all as smart as you, you sir will one day have quite the responsibility of paying a lot of tuition and that I do not envy, but do admire.

I cannot defend my actions but can only ask to end this argument, I was and still am under pressure of exams and applications to grad school, so my reply was out of stress and lack of sleep... and as we all know fighting on the internet is like the special Olympics, win or lose, you're still retarded (not YOU, its just a joke I heard a while back)

Last edited by radek7633; 12-19-2010 at 12:43 PM.
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