Surprising (or unsurprisingly) the nitwits

at Nissan USA most likely specified a car cover from a US vendor under the Nissan license as
the reason is your cover's license plate see-through plastic reacted to the paint additives used for painting plastic parts.
This is
not a new problem, for example, Griot's Garage sells a plastic similar (of lesser mil thickness with a backside light adhesive) to what is used for your license see-through to protect lower door valances to protect them from being kicked with shoes. However, they learned the hard way that it was removing the paint from plastic painted valances, and now clearly state that it not for plastic painted surfaces.
- Nissan owes you any and all paint correction, and a full refund for the Nissan car cover. Damn straight they do.
- Hopefully, some nitwit from Nissan's US branch reads this and pulls this stupid car cover from the shelves of dealerships (or Nissan will simply ignore it and lie about the consequences to potential buyers who undergo the same exact problem).

- Escalate this issue by getting a case started with Nissan Corporate Customer Service.

Thanks for serving our country.