Thread: Advice Needed
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Old 12-16-2010, 11:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Advice Needed

Don't know if this is the right place to post but here goes my story.....

I purchased a 2011 base model Pearl White last month, in the sales agreement I asked them to add on the sport package spoiler, splash guards and wheel locks. They had to order the parts and a week later they called me to install them. When the install was complete I noticed there was a huge gap on the drivers side rear splash guard and the spoiler was off center, and it was noticeable. I didn't say anything because I could redo the splash guard and re align the spoiler. But then I drove to Waikiki that same day, and my TPMS light turns on, did not know what the light was at the time so I pulled over read the manual and was releived for a second. I then went home and checked the tire pressure on all four. OMG 50lbs plus each tire, I read the manual and checked the door jams, they were supposed to be at 35lbs. I used another tire gauge to make sure the gauge I had used was not faulty. I got the same reading 50lbs plus. I immediately dropped each tire to the recommended 35lbs. The light went away after driving for a little while. Then the next day the light came back.... So I called my service advisor at Nissan and scheduled an appointment for the TPMS light. When I took it to them I also mentioned the spoiler and the splash guard that I didn't have a chance to get to. They did a piss poor job on installing these OEM parts, and I am guessing they inflated the tires to 50lbs when they added the wheel locks. So they gave me a loaner and fixed my TPMS light and splash guards. They did not have 3M double side tape to do the spoiler so I had to come back to Nissan the next day which they had the 3M tape. I went back the next day and dropped my car off at 9 am, my service advisor told me the spoiler should be properly aligned and installed correctly a little after lunch. They gave me a loaner Sentra until my car was ready to be picked up. Well 1:30 pm rolls around and I get a phone call from nissan, I was thinking they were calling me to let me know my car is ready to be picked up. Sadly to say I was wrong....the phone call I got was "sir I am sorry to inform you that during the alignment process of your spoiler our technician accidenttly cracked it and it is very noticeable and can not be repaired" OMG now I was upset, I was not upset that they did a crappy job installing parts, I was not upset that they inflated my tires to 50lbs and my TPMS turned on and scared the crap out of me on the highway, I was not upset that there was a huge gap on the splash guard, nor was I upset that the spoiler was off center and leaning more towards the driver side. I was not even upset that I had to ask about my license plates and find out that DMV kicked backed my paperwork to Nissan because they thought there was a forged signature on my reg. They didn't bother to call me or tell me this, nor did they even know what was going on with my plates until I went to them and said hey where's my license plates ? But when I got the phone call stating we broke your spoiler and we just ordered a new one to replace it, I then had reached my limit. Driving back and fourth to Nissan serveal times for minor issues that should have never happend to begin with if the so called certified technician did his job correctly in the first place. Nissan General sales manager, Service Department manager, and Customer relations Manager got involved because they heard about my frustration and quality of service I had been provided. Apologies every ten minutes is all I got from each of them, they offered to upgrade my loaner to a altima or rogue, they offered me three months of "Professional Detailing Service" . I declined both offers, I told them I didn't go to Nissan to buy a sentra or altima or rogue...well needless to say a brand spanking new car is in the service department for a broken spoiler for a few days and I am without my Z that I paid for in full.

Well in case your wondering why I didn't get the SP, money, and color of car and time it would take to get to Hawaii, as well as I am upgrading my brakes and wheels, and I like the look of the Sport spoiler,

So there you have it for the most parti n a nutshell, my question to anyone out there is, What would you do if this situation of misfortune happened or how can I go about this with Nissan?

Thanks, Aloha and Mahalo for reading, the moderators can put this in the right location if it nots supposed to be here but I figured exterior and my spoiler is the main issue now. I do not want to state the dealerships name or location, just know it's one of the Nissans of Hawaii.
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