Got UpRev tuned by Wayne @ T1RaceDevelopment in Rowlett, TX Wednesday last week. Noticed a gain from 288whp base pull to 300.15whp and 20* ignition advance on 91octane and 308.65whp and 24*+ ignition advance on 93+octane(w/91 in the tank tune is set to do 26*+ but pulled timing to 24 w/the 91 so true numbers on 93+ are prolly just a tad higher.)
1: 91 octane tune
2: 93+ octane tune
3: 91 octane tune w/cold map same as hot for consistency on the track
4: Stock
5: Vallet/Anti-theft
I was very impressed with Wayne and Tony's knowledge when it comes to tunning. Their shop is also awesome. Unfortunately I was not super impressed with the UpRev software. Still needs a lot of added features but not a bad system. If all the ability to adjust cam timing and vvel was there (like the AP for the GTR) I think I would have been able to overlook the clumsy software... Maybe if it were all in one program too and you didn't have to open 2 different apps and juggle back and forth between the two.
Whenever they unlock the parameters for vvel (rumored early/mid '11) I think it will be awesome.
Last edited by Moemeister; 12-16-2010 at 04:12 PM.