Originally Posted by ludeakris7
yea F1...I had thought about finding a slightly used NIZ and the only reason I hesitate on that is the nightmare of not knowing if someone beat it for 2K then dumped it. I guess with all the certified stuff nowadays that risk isn't to bad. And you would think people take care of these cars but you never know.
WISHIHADNAV...I love my prelude too! I bought it new in 01 and it has been a great car. Its only got 75K on it and its super clean in and out. It will be tough to sell it knowing some young teenager will probably buy it and destroy it...tear,tear. I just turned 30 so I need some sophistication and power!
I've noticed (maybe someone can answer this) that the NISMO front end is different from the base in that the base has fangs and the NISMO doesn't. Is this accurate? And if so, wouldn't I have a hard time adding the front NIZ aero to a base model? Would you have to do a full bumper swap?
yeah the 01's are definatly nice

...if your planning on getting the Nismo aero then your way better off just buying a Nismo...if i had to do it all over again i would buy a base (no sport) for about 28k and get the following..full Zele kit, AP BBK, Quaife LSD and some TE37 SL's