Originally Posted by ChrisSlicks
Summer tires will bind and skip at near full lock when cold. Do a search, you will see it happens to a lot of people. The Summer compound tires aren't designed to be driven below 40 degrees.
Ideally you should have all-season tires on the car for driving through the Winter, or snow tires if you live in the snow belt.
 It is unusually cold for the deep south right now. When I leave work at night I have to make a sharp left turn out of the area where I park. At that sharp of a turn angle the tire is somewhat sideways, and with a wide low profile tire, it doesn't turn as much as it skips/skids across the pavement until I straighten out the wheel......... nothing wrong with your car.
Time is a companion, who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment............ because it will never come again