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Old 12-15-2010, 04:51 AM   #23 (permalink)
Scott @ RA
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Originally Posted by JollyGoodChap View Post
chillax man, it was a question. It would've been different if my sentence had no question marks, do you agree? Sorry for asking a question on a forum...
Oh I understand. A question on a forum is one thing..... but an accusatory question that (once spread around more) can be damaging to someones reputation without warrant, is a whole other thing.
I mean, I hear rumors and horror stories about shops and people all the time, doesn't make it my place to gossip and spread it around to others. I feel it is not my business unless it involves me directly, first hand.
(second hand rumors = gossip)

Now, I'm sorry for being a little sensitive to rumors about me and my company. I take great pride in my company and the great work we do. It just gets old trying to put to rest lame, old, damaging rumors over and over again. I am sure if you were in my position and have gone through as much unwarranted scrutiny with my company the way we have, you would probably understand where I am coming from a little better. Again, sorry for my reaction. Hope you can understand though.
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