just FYI, I went to four, yes FOUR dealerships in town and every single one of them would NOT budge on their prices.
I did talk to the last dealership a little more than the rest and felt better there.
So a week and half later I came back again, most of their BS was gone.
1st time they wanted 1,500 over invoice, then 1,000 then 750. second time they wanted 500 over invoice.
1st time they said 5,000 non refund deposit down to order a new car, second time they said 1,000.
1st time they said they would NOT order a car and I had to buy in stock. second time they asked me if i wanted to order my car.
they play lots of games, sometimes they no longer call your bluff if you walk off. so just be patient. try going back next week and then if they play the game again, leave, and repeat. but DO NOT CHANGE your demands, keep them what you think you can get, or they'll know they are working you.