Originally Posted by Holliday
Good choice. You would be cray to not get the sport package. I think you will be happy with buying a brand new Z. I know you loose $$ but what you loose in cash, you will gain in pure pleasure! My Z still has that "new" car smell and I love it! Good luck and be safe
oops I meant...sports package on either the base or touring model.
I was planned on getting a car for my wife. She wanted a mustang, but I've been around asian vehicles all my life and my brother has a 350z. Somehow I became hooked on the 370z. Plus, I read mustangs do not great head turning points compared to a Z.
Basically, she is happy with whatever decision I make...woohoo!!!
370Z it is! But I am definitely leaning towards a virgin Z

What additional options did you get?