Originally Posted by Jeffblue
well, sometimes people ask in a polite way and i'll just say how much i paid for it. i mean, its not a secret. If someone says 'hey, if you don't mind how much did that cost you' i'll just tell them. its not like they can't go on the internet and look. yea they won't know what i paid exactly, but them asking what it costs isn't really that violating. however, asking what you do for a living etc is kind of an invasion of privacy and i'd probably just make a joke or something b/c its none of their business.
I feel what your saying for sure, I dont get lippy if they ask in the manner you have stated. Although I still dont feel as though it is something that should be asked when, like you stated, they can go on the internet and find out what one costs. I live in a small town and everyone knows what I do for a living so that is no secret, I guess in my scenario its a different situation than for you. You probably live in a big city and when someone asks you how much your car cost its in the way you stated. In the small town where I live its because the person asking is being nosey as hell and its very annoying.