Originally Posted by SoCal 370Z
You get a rep point for either a massive amount of bullsh!t  or driving at 1 mph in-and-out of your driveway. Seriously, no rock chips at 18K miles? When I was shopping for a clear bra (and I was one of the first to apply a clear bar a 370Z) there was one installer who told me to take all side streets to his shop as the paint on Nissan Zs sucks and chips easily. There is one large rock chip on our Z and it's just past the clear bra on the left front fender where a rock came down out of the air and hit the fender on the highway (I should have had the full fenders covered).
Rock chips come from crap thrown out from the car in front of you. I don't drive behind other people. I stay way back, or change lanes...hopefully both. I also tend to be the car in front, not the car in back. Some of that has to do with how I drive, and some with when I drive.
I don't ever have to drive during rush hour, I don't normally take the highways, I don't drive the Z in wet weather. I live in a rich area, where they are always repaving roads that don't need it. There are few rocks around here to kick up to begin with.
My beater has some paint chips, but I drive it completely differently. If I drove my Z like I drive my beater, yeah, it would have a lot of chipping going on. But I don't. Sometimes I'll pull over and answer emails or smoke a cig instead of following a line of cars that won't get out of my way. I like to take less traveled roads instead of the main streets, and I've lived here for 34yrs, so I know them all. Sometimes I'll sit at a stop sign or a green light (if nobody is behind me) so that I can be in front of other cars instead of in back. I like to drive fast, but I don't really care how fast I get where I'm going...so it works for me.
Staying out from behind other cars is no harder than playing dodge the pothole where I live. And no, I don't live on a farm. There's more than half a million people in Johnson County, KS...I just don't drive behind them.