Here is my thinking on this matter which constantly gets revised according to who I talk with. I had a serious issue with the noise in my car but now after dynamatting the hatch and doors its under control.. but for me the quieter the better so I was thinking of getting new tires BUT now I am wondering and here is why.. The salesman told me the tires would reduce wind noise in the wheel well but I realize that its not the wind in the wells but the tires on the road that creates the noise.. I realized this when I noticed that on smooth roads noise is no issue and since the wind must be the same on smooth or rough roads..the problem must be the actual rubber on the road and not the wind generated in the wheel wells.. Also two other tire salesmen told me there really would not be much of a difference in noise but a fourth said there would be! So I am really puzzled... To make matters worse, the sales people all told me that I had nothing to fear as I did not have to keep the tires if I did not like them. They said they would take them back.. I thought that meant I could go back to my old tires but NO it only means you get to chose another set of tires they sell... you dont get a refund.. very clever!!
So all this leaves me no where except to think that since the matter is not that bad I might invest in further dynamatting under the floor..and just save the new tires until the old ones wear out..