Originally Posted by 370zFORme!!
I almost pulled the trigger on these too. I was informed by Lou from Amplified that a lot of people have had noise problems with bc coils.
Haha wow.

That is ridiculous yet on par with what a vendor who doesn't sell BC Racing coilovers WOULD say, now isn't it.
I have nothing against Lou at AMP'd at all (in fact he is a cool guy)... Just stop and consider that it might be in a vendors best interest to steer you away from one product (which they dont carry) to try to steer you toward a product that they DO sell (which carries a larger profit margin). How do I know this???... Cause I carry over 30 different brands of coilovers....some I make more money selling than others.
As for the old, old stories of "BC Racing coilovers causing noise".

Well that all got started by this....
In the very first small batch of prototype coilovers that BC Racing shipped out to the G37 guys they were using a solid, non pillow ball mount on the rear strut's upper mount. This, in some cases did cause a rattling noise. That's how this "BC coilovers make noise" crap all got spread and blown out of proportion. As soon as the noise was traced back to the rear strut upper mount, this problem was fixed right away with a softer, more pliable rubber pillow ball mount from there on out. Problem solved. The first few customers who received the first batch with the older mount were then notified and shipped out (for free) the new pillow ball version rear upper mount to replace it. End of story.
Originally Posted by 370zFORme!!
Cant say for sure what that sound is but it almost sounds like its maybe your sways. Was everything tight on the sways where they attach to the endlinks? I know I read on here that someone was having a similar sound and it was their sway bar bushings. Just a couple of thoughts. Good luck bro.
This ^^ is a good place to start looking for the noise.