Originally Posted by sharkpit
Shark Pit (sharkpittattoo) on Twitter
Thanks for telling me how my life will be in the future because of one of my tattoos. Your story is no different from any other site that has put the picture up. I'd like to say that getting tattooed for some is a lifestyle, I don't drink alcohol or do drugs that inhibit my thought process by the way. It's a funny tattoo, plain and simple. I'm an odd person I guess. I'm well educated, creative and successful in life. I put thought into every tattoo I get. It just bums me out that people really think I would regret or become embarrassed in certain situations because of my tattoos. I love that it's talked about, so follow my twitter page for my pit if you'd like to find more links. In the future please also think about what you are writing about people, I have seen some horrible tattoos in my time believe me, but come on, my tattoo artist is insanely talented and the tattoo is well done. I get sent links like this all the time and am amused by it...keep your eye out for my spread in Inked Magazine too. BTW I look like **** in that picture! here....

Assuming you are who you say your are (which I probably doubt - but it makes for an interesting discussion anyway), what the OP said was:
I can easily see this woman settling down, getting married, and having a few kids. Kids who will inevitably ask their Mother what the deal is with the grotesque tattoo covering her armpit.
She may not regret that tattoo immediately, but in 20 years when she’s trying on wedding dresses, or hanging out with 40 year old soccer Mom’s while wearing a spaghetti tank top, she’s probably going to feel a bit embarrassed, and regret that time she drank a bottle of wine with her friends and decided getting a shark tattooed on her armpit was a good idea.
Now you or anyone else try and say that none of this is correct. OP could have said it a lot more indelicately, but many of us thought his insights were perceptive and on the money.
You can say all you like about being educated and successful, but if you move in average middle class circles like many of us do, the thing with the kids and the soccer moms will be inevitable - not "if" but "when". You'll understand then...
Otherwise, I don't think OP was criticising you or your choices (and neither am I for that matter) - it's a free country for you to make those choices. And if you choose to publicly display the fruits of those choices, then expect the freedom of others to voice their opinions (right or wrong as they may be - they're just opinions).
Off my soapbox and back to our regular program...