I'm about to put some Sparco Milanos in my car. I had them sitting around from a previous install in another car. Sparcos are awesome street seats. I've done 800 mile days in them which is a good trick for my ancient body!
The problem you will face for any seat is this:
1) You cannot use the stock sliders and bases as they are integrated into the seat assembly. (Trust me, I've looked)
2) No one makes a 370 seat base.
That said, i did some measuring. The 350Z base is simlilar in Hole centers front to back and side to side, but the contouring of the 370 floor pan is different. I'm thinking this can be done with some cutting and re-welding or spacing to get it to fit. I have a base on the way as we speak to experiment with.
I've talked with Wendell at
Wedge Engineering > HOME who specializes in seat bases. He is ready and willing to fab up a 370 set-up but would need a car for 2 days to do the measuring and fitting. He is in Long Beach CA, so any volunteers give hime a call...It might be worth your while and help us all out..
In my old AUDI: