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Old 06-03-2009, 03:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Exclamation AUDIO : Bose w/o Nav Upgrades Discussions

Ok here is the deal. To all 370z Owners that have the Bose system without nav. (6CD). I’d like to start a thread on possible audio upgrades and how to get there without changing the head unit.

Topic no.1: IPod:
In my 350z, I have used an adaptor to connect my iPod through the CD changer input. I could get minimal control of my IPod through it like changing songs and shuffle. I used the USA Spec PA11 NIS to do this. The 370Z Bose headunit does not have the CD changer input but does have SAT audio input. Maybe the adaptor could work here to through the SAT option? I will open the dash and access the back of the head unit and try some options and let you know as soon as I can. I really want to plug, charge, and control my Ipod without using the front aux in.

Topic no.2: Amplifier:
From my experience, a good amp can definitely improve sound quality. Maybe we could gain some by simply changing the amp but not the OEM speakers. Another benefit is more sound without busting the original speaker, as long as the signal is clean. Remember, it’s not power that tends to destroys speakers, it’s most likely distortion.

I would appreciate if some of you push in that direction to post what is needed to achieve this. Maybe wire color information, a special adaptor or anything else. I also believe that this cannot be done without adding crossovers. And I am not even sure about how to get the signal from the head unit.

Topic no.3: Speakers:
Changing speakers and keeping the original Bose amp… does it really help? If someone tries this, can you please provide the information you have? I guess we need special impedence speakers or something.

2005 350Z 35th - SilverStone
2009 370Z Touring/Sport - Platinum Grey

Last edited by Mr_Z; 06-13-2009 at 08:04 PM.
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