Thread: System Pricing
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Old 12-05-2010, 11:01 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by EValentin1 View Post
They also brought up the option of using one JL 700/5 amp to power the whole system. but then again that really doesnt bring down the cost. amp would then be $699 and installation $325. besides getting the sub more direct power using a single sub for it and another for the speakers, is there really any advantage to sound quality using two amps? sorry for all the questions just really not to enlightened on this whole car stereo deal. I really do appreciate all of the feedback!!
I dont really see their logic in charging 100 more to install 1 amp instead of 2. Its a little less wiring. Shop around with local shops and have them compete for your money. The price seems a little high, I dont know what they intend to do installation wise though. sure you can cat the stuff cheaper online but no shop will install grey market product that undercuts their prices.
What most fail to realize is that dealers are under contract to sell certain brands at retail. If they are caught selling for less they can be stripped of their right to sell. Some shops may work around the retail pricing by offering deep discounts on installation so shop around
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