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Old 12-03-2010, 10:23 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Ok 16 is probably do able. If I did my math right your looking at 11000 for what you want. That includes oil cooler clutch twin turbo kit boost controller the Evc s I mentioned and test pipes. What that doesn't include is tax shipping and installation. Shipping I can't estimate for you but I know the average installation is about 3k so there is 14k just for the turbo kit. Not sure on oil cooler but I'd say no more then 200 then 250 for the boost controller depending how crazy of a install you want so there is 14450. I would imagine getting the clutch installed would be a 1000. So there is 15450. New csc is about 360 which I think is over prices but that's what I think I saw it for. As you can see your going to be spending that 16k lol. I might be off on some of the prices but I like to over estimate a little better to have money left over then be dryied out looking for the rest to pay your bill which was my biggest fear.

Ok now as far as the better clutch the answer to your question is no that won't correct the issue. The problem with the csc is to my understanding is that it is kind of small to grab the fingers on the clutch and it eventully gets pulled through because of the increase of hydraulic pressure. Second they have issues with internal leakage like the inner orings go bad and causes the master cylinder to loose fluid or clutch pedle to stick to the floor. Maybe some one can chim in and verify that this info is right but I am pretty sure it is.

Don't flame me for typing I am doing this on my iPhone lol so please forgive the grammer. Let me know if you have any more questions and good luck in the end it is worth the money trust me
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