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Old 12-03-2010, 08:06 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vinny View Post
Alright so here's the deal: after a bit more scrounging, I decided that if rather get most of this done at once.
I'll be purchasing the stage 2 GTM TT as well as test pipes and an oil cooler (if needed?) as well as a clutch.
Not sure exactly what the issue is that you are referring to, having to go back and fix something later, mind explaining? And telling me what I need to prevent this problem?
Ok first Yes you need a oil cooler. This is a must must must have. what i am referring to is people that had after market clutches where having problems because there CSC was going bad well some took out the after market clutch and went back to stock because that was really the only option about it to stop. Recently and I can't remember who has came out with a after market CSC but it is pretty expensive and I am not sure how well it is holding up since it is new. there is a great thread on here about it and i will try to find it. So to prevent the clutch issue your going to need a new CSC, I also would recommend getting a new throw out bearing.

here is the link to people with the known CSC failures and there is a thread that explains everything very well
Also you said your limit was 14k right thats for everything and installation right?

Last edited by toner123; 12-03-2010 at 08:14 PM.
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