Originally Posted by Ryan@prosportGauges
Im curious why you wouldnt just replace the clutch while the motor was out. seems to make more sense.... 
Reason being is it would have cost the same to do it now or later so I didn't want to use a credit card and make debt since I paid all in cash. Also after speaking to others who had the kit that had some decent miliage on the stock clutch with no problem I realized I can just do it later. No reason to break the bank IMO. Also I took into account the issues people where having with the csc on aftermarket clutches which in return caused them to drop the tranny again and fix the problem. So in my opinion me holding out was a great idea all te way around since I can now pay for one in cash when ever needed and my car is performing great. At the first sign it's going bad then hopefully the csc will be cheaper and I will replace it. But it's definitly not a deal breaker. I don't know maybe my logic is wrong but when I did my research and talked to sam and others with the kit they all said I would be fine. He'll I think modme clutch lasted a while and it was stock