Thread: Help request
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Old 12-02-2010, 09:45 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RCZ View Post
Why would you keep the stock clutch when you're doing a $10k + twin turbo setup?

Same with gauges, they are very important to know what your car is doing. Boost/AFR/EGT are all key to know if your car is running right.

If you have to skimp out on getting supporting mods you have no business getting a TT kit.
I guess i have no bussiness getting one then BUT GUESS WHAT I DID. my clutch is handling fine ATM why replace a good part. Do I know it is going to eventully go bad yes i do but Ill cross that road when i come. I can see my boost fine with a boost controller. If my car starts acting up i can run log files for the rest. Not a must to have right away. If it is so important why did you buy your z it didn't come with a AFR guage. I am not saying he shouldn't have them eventully just it's not a deal breaker. Think about it before you drop insult on me.
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