Originally Posted by RCZ
Car was behaving as usual so I figured it was just a glitch like a loose gas cap or something so I cleared the code and as I suspected it didnt come back. I didnt have the issues, but I figured I'd chip in a little info.
Osiris, your problem really sounds like your MAF's are getting funky readings. From what I've heard lately, it seems that those random code-less issues are most often due to this issue. I am surprised though that it's not putting your car in limp mode in the process. Instead you say it just knocks?
so in other words you didn't pull the code correct?
I gave him a list of steps to do over yahoo messanger. easier then going back and forth on the forum. I think he will find some results here. i know K&N airfilters are known for being maf sensor killers if there close to them since the oil they use screws them up. so i told him to clean them, run a fuel pressure test to verify fuel pressure is good then log files for maf voltage and a/f correction on banks 1 and 2