Originally Posted by Robert_Nash
Overall, I very much prefer the weight gain and cost be kept to a minimum and the handling/agility of the coupe be retained as much as possible in the roadster. There is also the issue, even could a retractable hard top be made to "fit" in the current platform, it would likely mean even more or the already limited luggage space would be lost.
I admit, I may have a different opinion on the matter if I had a roadster that had to be parked outside all the time but as I don't have that problem I have no issues with a soft top.

I will give Nissan a big A+ for the translation of the coupe to the convertible. This translation is exceeding hard to achieve (as witnessed by so many convertibles that look awful when derived from their coupe counterpart). In true roadster theme it would be interesting if Nissan were able develop a contemporary trunk lid luggage rack accessory. I say this as those who have actually toured with a roadster know that a luggage rack is a valuable asset.
Originally Posted by Robert_Nash
Are you saying that Nissan should have made the new Z roadster a retractable hard top even if they had to sacrifice handling and performance of the Z?
It all comes down what chassis rigidity Nissan has been able to achieve on the new roadster as that's the name of the game in handling. If Nissan has pulled it off then I will have to agree with you; if not, then Nissan may as well have gone the comfort route.