Originally Posted by FromG2Z
You can stick with a 2 step polish, that's typical. Usually a good cutting polish/compound on an aggressive pad (orange), then follow up with a light polish on a much less aggressive pad (gray). I continue on with a jewelling stage, a much finer polish on a much finer pad (blue)... then proceed to do an acrylic glaze on top of that. So pretty much 4 steps. Then sealed with 2 coats of a sealant, then topped with the beauty nuba...
As far as soap... I guess soap is soap, but all my detailing products are not OTC, and available on specialty detailing sites. Just don't use dawn unless you're stripping LSP's!
I priced a bunch of chemical products but found out that Turtle Wax also makes similar products a lot cheaper. I know the games chemical companies can play but in your opinion are these specialty products really better or what? And do I really need an aggressive polish if I am only taking out swirl marks from washing? I was thinking of an ultra fine..