Originally Posted by Reality
That's what I thought..
-So you were passing modded z33's in your OEM-NA form? and you were doing to same to modded z34's!?... Obviously you are the better driver 

yup the z33 part in true as for the z34 part in 2010 i was even faster , thanks
Originally Posted by Reality
There is no debate.. Those who can, MT.. Those who can't, AT... Its quite simple
yeah yeah yeah what you said isn't that true ,, but only in your own head,, how come the auto transmission are getting more and more into the racing ? that are out performing the manual ? get out of your town and look what is happening in the world .
Originally Posted by Reality
Congrats, you are the first owner that I know of who purchased an AT so he could track more.
-And you are right, nobody cares about your setup.
I pretty much totally agree with you , no body care about my setup , it just gonna be more secret , as for tracking more with an AT ,, you got me wrong ,
the car is going to be a track car only in the future ,, having the AT to track more ? lol not really , can you read ?
Originally Posted by Reality
^I am not sure if you missed this the first couple of times, but you never did answer...
Originally Posted by Reality
And I will ask you again..
-If the OP is happy with the results, why are your panties in such a knot?
I do not care if he like it or not ,
What I care is the result provided . he like it ? good for him .
we are in a free country man and we are aloud to have our own opinion.