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Old 11-30-2010, 09:05 AM   #25 (permalink)
Enthusiast Member
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Toronto, Canada
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OP, sorry for the OT.. I just wanted to address something.

-My intent here was not to throw you or SG under the bus, and I apologize if my words came out in that manner. I would never intentionally try to slander and/or diminish what you have been building for the past 3 years nor would I go out of my way to "sway" customers away from your shop.
I have always and will always provide personal insight into my dealings with all shops, Good or Bad. I can only hope that my opinions & experiences will help others to make educated decisions.
-When you first jumped into the VQ world (on the other site), I was one of the very fist local members to voice myself when others (In the US) were raising the BS flag on your claims and your aspirations. Hell I even went to your "Grand Opening" bbq to show my support... (first and only time we met and had a conversation..)

We may not be personal acquaintances, but you have my utmost respect in this community for your ground breaking achievements & accomplishments with your NA 3.5VQ. Without a doubt, you have proven what is possible with the NA z33.

All said, I hope you can understand that this is not personal....
//2005 35th SB #81 [tyra] SOLD
//2006 GT PPW SOLD
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