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Old 06-01-2009, 03:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pushing_Tin View Post
You only live once. If you have wanted one since you were a kid I'd buy the Supra. If you don't like it you can probably resell it for close to what you paid for it. You will take a serious bath on the Z though.

BTW good advice from Modshack.
Good point, I would be taking a bit of a hit on the Z, though I would be regardless of what I choose to do. I am not upside down on the Z so I will keep positive about it.

When I got to a point in life that I could seriously consider buying a Supra I was a bit turned off by it due to all the rice movies glorifying it as the king ricer. Now that all that has hopefully blown over I wouldn't be embarrassed to drive one

Originally Posted by Brandon26pdx View Post
How much they asking for the Supra...$40,000?

Hey if you've got the money (and more importantly, the stomach to lose a lot of it...) by all means go get it. The Supra is an amazing piece of engineering.
Money is not the issue, I am more concerned with being as entertained with the Supra as I am with the Z, and given my attachment to the car I don't want to make a blind decision that I may regret down the line, as I have never spent much time with a Supra.

I will be traveling to see the car this weekend so hopefully that will give me a better idea.
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