Originally Posted by Junkman2008
Here you go man. You need to first understand what these products do to your paint before you go buying stuff and trying to fix it yourself. These videos explain the simple process of paint repair. That stuff you used has dulled the paint and now you need to undo the damage that stuff has done. It has a purpose, you just used it at the wrong time and for the wrong application. After watching those videos, you will be a lot better informed on how to fix your problem.
Doing it by hand is for the birds. You need to invest in a PC. These videos will explain to you the safety in doing so. It's not as complicated as you think it is when you are armed with the right information.
I'm all for investing in a PC, but what you're telling me is i'm screwed until i do? So to fix this spot, i gotta shell out the $$ for the PC and all the products? No emergency manual fix? It is xmas and all...money is kinda tight.