Originally Posted by Baer383
If you wire it so it is a running light and brake light at the same time you would not need a switch plus you won't have to run wires all the way up to the front of the console.
I did this on mine works great.
Thanks for the suggestion, Baer383. I contemplated this option, but have been told that doing so may attract attention from the local law enforcement, and might fail me on my annual state safety inspection. The EVOR-R light has tow functions, so I will wire up the blinking lead directly to the reverse lights much in the same way you've wired to the brake lights.
I changed my order to get another hazzard switch instead of the s-mode switch. I also found out that at least one other forum member went with this option
Roadster Rear Fog Light Dang it! I thought I had an original idea for once!
I won't be getting to this install for at least a week, but will post pics when done!

Rain, snow, sleet, hail: 2009 Mazda 3 sGT HB
Everything else: 2009 370z, PW Touring 6MT