Thread: Help!!!
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Old 11-26-2010, 10:15 AM   #1 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Default Help!!!

I tried searching for this, but all i can find is help with water marks. I have a magnetic black z and while at family's for thanksgiving, i attempted to do a little detailing.

The nose of my car has some spots that appear to be slight rough areas or possibly scratches? in the clear coat. So, i used what was available that my father had in his garage. I used Toyo Guard Sealant Cleaner on one of these small spots. What resulted is what looks like a cloudy area on the spot i put it on...and it won't come off no matter how much i try to buff it out.

How do i get rid of it? What product will help me? Should i try one of those color restoring products? If so which one?

It just seems the Toyo Guard reacted to the clear coat in some way. I was going to take a pic, but the camera can't seem to see it because, although it is a cloudy spot, it is still a reflective surface. But with they eye, some you either see it a tiny bit, and other angles it's like a huge spot.

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