I'll watch any show that features cool cars. But I'll have no qualms with criticizing the $hit out of it if it's bad. The new one has a long way to go before it's anything other than a guilty, embarrassing pleasure...just like Battle of the Supercars and Supercars Exposed.
Totally agree with the forced camaraderie. The Brit version has three genuine friends who sometimes hate each others' guts and know each other like the backs of their hands. The three jamokes on TGA were introduced, told they were working together, and then locked in a studio for a while.
I'll be honest though. I laughed when Adam dropped the F-bomb every time he shifted. I'd probably do the same thing in that car
Shabs, you speak the truth. The problem for TGA is that American providers don't give you much time to 'make it happen'. It looks like they got one season rather than a pilot though...so that's a plus.