Originally Posted by weiboy718
it also doesn't reads EGT.(exhaust gas temp)
Well personnally i really don't care to see it. SO I guess I will correct. For what I want the blitz is a better/cheaper deal then the HKS. All I want to see is AFR bank 1 and 2. Boost through my boost controller. A/F correction bank 1 and 2, and fuel pressure. All the other things such as coolant temp, oil temp and pressure, EGT I don't care about. Thingsyou would never really buy a guage to see anyway so i don't see that being a deal breaker now. I personally think that the blitz is a better deal. Yes you can hook more sensors up to the camp 2 but its going to run more money for a bunch of guages you really don't need. If I ever need to get rare info i will just hook my laptop up to my car with my up-rev cable and run a data log.