Originally Posted by spearfish25
The show grew on me as it progressed. However, parts of it felt forced (stupid helicopter locking onto the car with Tanner drifting around.....come on). Also, the 'standing mile' in the Lambos seemed just like Battle of the Supercars as did the trash talking about 'my car' and 'your car'.
I think it's a mistake to make an exact copy of one of the most popular shows on worldwide TV. Also, they'd be better off with three guys who have great repport rather than three hodge-podge selections. Imagine if the hosts were three of the Baldwin brothers.
From the preview, it looks like they have a segment on the 370Z next week. I'll have to watch at least one more... 
I fell asleep during the lambo's!
I hope the 370z comes out lmao, Tanner's going to want to drive that!